Friday, November 28, 2008

Baby News!

No, not us! My cousin Justine and her husband Fernando are expecting! She is at 11 weeks and 3 days. Here is the little one:

So excited to become an auntie for the fifth time!

post by Armilyn


Spence Ohana said...

Whoa, when I saw the title I thought, "What!?"...LOL
How exciting for Justine and her hubby, sounds like a honeymoon baby ;).

Spence Ohana said...

"So excited to become an auntie for the third time!"
What do you mean 3rd time...don't you have Madeline, James, Jasmine, Leila??? You're a veteran pro at being an auntie - this will be your 5th time! :)

Armilyn and David said...

oops! Corrected it!